Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Redux

It's been a while since I've posted anything here.  It seems that people from all over the world are now finding their way to this blog.  I find it rather exciting, actually.  The idea that my mere thoughts can touch others all around the globe is quite humbling.

Yesterday was Father's Day here in Canada.  It was a very fun, and enjoyable day.  I spent it with my new family, and spoke with my son on the phone.  To be honest, it was quite a rewarding day.  I really couldn't have asked for a better day, or a better family to be a part of.

So yes, as you can tell, I've been in an incredible mood lately.  Despite being incredibly busy, and rather sleep deprived, I've still tried to find time to write to you on here.  Although, I've neglected my other blog much more than I have this one (

I have of a lot of pretty important things coming up this week, also.  My wonderful girlfriend and I have some talking to do regarding our future (such as where we're going to live, etc....  NOT what you're thinking). 

I'm also really excited about work.  I actually truly enjoy my job.  The only drawback with it is, it's a 40 minute drive to and from work.  Which means really early mornings, or really late nights.  Depending on which shift I'm on.

Summer is almost here, and I still haven't really started on that book I've been thinking about for almost two years now.  Maybe if I have some free time in the future, I'll get working on it.  Trust me, the FACTUAL story (based on actual events) will not only blow YOUR mind, but will probably open a lot of people's eyes on how things work in Canada, and what are clearly triggers for Depression.  Also, how I dealt with my Depression, and the steps I took toward recovery, or simply just coping with it.  Because one never truly 'recovers' from Depression.  Similar to how an alcoholic is ALWAYS an alcoholic.  Know what I mean?

Well, it's time for me to start thinking about making supper for the family..... Until next time:  Keep smiling!! 

Friday, June 6, 2014


So, the last week or so has been quite hectic and busy for me.  A relationship between two dear friends seems to have fizzled out.  That came as quite of a shock to me, but then again, in hindsight, it kind of makes sense.  But really, hat can you say?  All things happen for a reason. 

As for me, and my outstandingly patient girlfriend, things are always looking up.
Like is always getting better for me.  I'm just TWO weeks away from landing a full-time job, that I've been working at for the last three or so months.  That makes me quite excited.  Once I have the stability there, looking forward will be much easier, and much brighter for myself, and my family.

Even while suffering from Depression, one would think that stability is a good thing.  More often than not, I find it is.  However, the odd little change-up[ is sometimes required.  But, to be honest, I can easily see myself working this job for the next fifteen to twenty years.  Yes, I enjoy it that much!

My job basically keeps me busy.  Keeps me out of the house for forty-plus hours a week.  Which, believe me, is fantastic!  The last thing I would want to do is sit around the house, just thinking.  I've done that before, and it's OK for the first few days.  But after that, I tend to get Cabin Fever.  Even though I'm a self proclaimed 'hermit', I still like to get out from time to time. 

So, that's my advice for the day:  Try to get out of the house.  Interact the the 3D world.  Meet new people.  Have fun.  Play!

Keep smiling!!