Saturday, July 5, 2014

Canada Day, April Wine, & Running The Ridge

So, my week with my son has come to a close (hence why I haven't been posting for a while). 
I don't get to spend as much time with my boy, as I'd like.  So, we took full advantage of our time together.  To start, on Canada Day, we went to his very first rock concert (April Wine),
and enjoyed a great fireworks display at Blue Mountain.  As it turns out, my son really enjoyed the show, despite him choosing for us to sit about fifteen feet away from ten foot high speakers.  At the end of the show, we were both nearly deaf, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the spectacular fireworks display at the top of the resort.

It turns out my son absolutely loves everything about Blue Mountain.  As a result, we spent several days out there this last week.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my eight year old have a good time.  My son, and my step-children seemed to go crazy for the Ridge Runner.  One ride, turned into five.

Ridge Runner
 Yes, I had a fantastic week with my boy, and the two members of my new family.  There were many moments throughout the week, I felt I didn't need to take my medication.  However, I'm still not brave enough to try that. 
On Monday, I'm back to work.  I thoroughly enjoyed my weeks vacation.  I spent as much of my free time as I could being busy.  With my son, my step-kids, and my fantastic girlfriend/wife. 

I did a little cruising through one of my old social media accounts, I see that my psycho ex-girlfriend is still stalking me online.  I have yet to figure out why that is, but really, in the long run, it doesn't much matter.  It has however, motivated me to finally get around to writing that book I've been toying with for nearly two years now.  The trouble is, I just need to find the extra time to do said writing.  I'll keep you posted though. 

Ridge Runner
I learned many new things this week, also.  Those who you think are trustworthy, and above board, generally aren't.  But those are things you need to learn as you grow older, and a little wiser.  The root of all things that are evil in my life really start with one person.  One action.... Or a collection of actions.  But, I'm getting over that.  I'm moving on.  However, I truly feel sorry for that one, single person.  As they still seem to be dwelling on me.  But, that's their choice, not mine.  Then again, that's what said book will be about. 
I'm off for now.  I'll keep you posted as often as a can.

Keep smiling!


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