Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Back In The Saddle

Life just seems to be getting better and better for me.  I'm back to work now, after a week off for the summer shutdown.  Despite missing my family (I kind of got used to being around them all week), I'm enjoying being back, and making money. 

My little boy is off to sleep-away camp for this week, and I know his mom misses him terribly, and I miss talking to him on the phone.  But you know what?  He's having a great time there! 
He went to that camp for the first time last summer, and he absolutely loved it.  I'm sure he'll have just as much, if not more fun this time around.  He's eight years old, after all.  What ISN'T fun about camping, at that age?

I also had a few minor hiccups this past week or so, with someone whom I thought I could trust.  Turns out that yet again, I made a mistake.  That isn't as much as a shock as it might have been a while ago,  It
turns out, I'm not as infallible as I thought I was.  But you know what?  Fuck it.  Life's too short to worry about other people actions.  I'm in this for ME, and my nearest and dearest friends and family.  No one else. There are currently just four people (excluding blood relatives) that mean the world to me.  I know at least two of them regularly read this blog, so there is no need to name them. 

Now back to my original point:  Life for me has been nearly perfect these last few months.  I am keeping myself busy, and spending as much of my time as I can with my son, and my new family. 

When suffering from Depression, it's important to keep yourself going.  Be active.  Be busy.  Don't dwell in those dark places.  Try to stay positive.  The more you talk about your illness, the more you will mock it, and those shadows will become brighter.  Eventually you'll be living in your own light.  Without the darkness and sorrow that this particular form of mental illness brings with it. 
If need be, speak to your doctor.  Believe me when I say this - Most doctors know a LOT more about mental illnesses than you do.  And, if they don't, they'll be more than happy to refer you to someone who does.  There is always more than ONE way out of a room.  Keep that in mind.

Keep smiling!!

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