Monday, January 26, 2015

Robin, Batman & Belak



    I told you a few days ago that I'm being weaned off my current medications, in favour of a new one. Well, today is day three of weaning off Ciprolex and Wellbutrin, and I tell ya', man do I have a short fuse now. Maybe it's withdrawal? Maybe not?
Sufficed to say, I'm not the happiest guy in the world.
The last few days haven't been too grand for me. I've been dealing with my son being bullied at school, and not wanting to go. I've been dealing with my girlfriend/wife being bullied at work, and not really wanting to go. I've had to deal with the nurse at my work wanting me to come back, after taking four
months off, BECAUSE of my work. Everyone in the house, (myself especially, though no one can tell) has been worried about money. Believe me, I would work if I really thought I could. So, I've been writing lots of posts on both of my blogs, attempting to get as many people as I can to visit the sites, and supporting it by reposting, re-tweeting, whatever, and hoping that the odd person will click on an add. No, I'm not asking you to do that, because that's against the Google AdSense terms and conditions.


But, you now get the point of the amount of stress I'm under, because of events in my past that have really screwed up my present, and foreseeable future.


I am however, quite excited about Bell Let's Talk Day, which is just a couple of days away. I've been looking forward to this day each year since its inception, a few years ago.

I know there are a lot of people out there who suffer from varying degrees of mental illnesses. I also know there are plenty of people out there who don't see it in others. The people who always wonder 'how can things be so bad in your life, that the best decision at the time for you is suicide"? I asked myself that question many times too. I also found myself in situations where suicide was truly not too bad of an idea. I've known people, and I myself have been in places in our lives where suicide isn't the worst decision you could come up with. It's not because of
weakness. It's not because you're scared. It's not dying at your own hands. It's being killed by depression. Just like being killed by Cancer, or AIDS, or any number of other illnesses. Sometimes you can beat the illness, other times it beats you. The deaths of Wade Belak, Robin Williams, and my friend 'Batman', all hit me pretty hard. I know what they were going through. I know how they felt. I've heard those same demons yelling in my ears, as those three heard in their ears.


Last week I wrote a post that somehow caught the eye of Canadian Olympian Clara Hughes. She commented on the post, and even re-tweeted it. That was a very humbling day for me. It was at that point that I fully came to realise that, (although I already knew), I wasn't alone. Clara, and many other well-known Canadians do suffer, or have suffered from Depression.
If you're on the brink like I was. Like Wade, Robin, and Batman were, hold on a little longer. It won't get worse. It'll get better. Don't let this illness kill you. Things are always better tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the next day, or the next. The sun will shine again, and carry away those demons. You just need to wait. That's all.


Keep smiling!

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