Tuesday, August 5, 2014

One Direction To Happiness

So, the last week or so has been fantastic for me. However, on Thursday, I forgot to take my meds. But, I didn't even realize it until I began thinking about my morning routine while at work. Yep, I forgot to take me 10mg of Ciprolex, and didn't feel any different. However, the next day, I made sure to take my meds. What made my week even better... on Wednesday, I decided to buy a couple tickets to a One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer concert for part of my new family.
Nothing could have made me happier than to see the smiles on their faces.

I wasn't really expecting to enjoy the show, but what do you know, the show wasn't bad, and I got to see three hours of smiles on the face of part of my new family.

I've also been transferred at work.  I know officially work for Honda Canada

In the world of factory workers, Honda is the place everyone wants to eventually end up.  So, in case you haven't noticed, I'm SUPER happy!

Unfortunately, my new, and incredibly amazing family is leaving soon, for  a vacation.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to join them.  It'll just mean a few days of just work, and sleep.  There isn't anything wrong with that, however, I'm certain to get quite lonely.... But, that's why we have Skype, and Face Time, right?

So basically, the bottom line is:  I've been happier than I have been for a VERY long time, over the last few weeks. 
It seems like I' getting closer and closer to conquering my mental illness.  Now I get to focus my attention on keeping everyone around me as happy as possible.  Which, as it seems, won't be as difficult as it once was.  We're moving to a new home in a few weeks.  Which will become OUR home;  Not THEIR home, with me living in it.  It will be the new family home.  I personally can't wait!

Keep smiling!

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