Friday, May 9, 2014

Changing Routine

If you recall, the other day, I said I like routine.  I live for routine.  Hence why I work in a factory.  Doing the same thing, over and over.  I thrive.
However, the nice people at my work has gone and changed things up a bit.  I'm still doing the exact same job, just on a different shift.  With new co-workers, but in the same surroundings. 

So, not only am I pretty angry/upset that I have been changed shifts, but I'm also concerned about all the new people I'll be working with.  I've gotten pretty close to a handful of the people I already work with daily. 

In case you haven't yet noticed, yes, I'm panicking quite a bit.  This is a new/odd sensation for me, since I DON'T panic.  So, now I don't know what to do?  And, to make matters worse, for the second week in a row, my pay cheque didn't get Direct Deposited into my bank account.  Now I have to drive n hour out of the way, on my way to work, just to pick up my hard earned money.  Kind of sounds like the world is against me lately, 'eh? 

But, there's an upside to this:  It's Friday.  My work week is over.  I have to go into work tomorrow (Saturday), though for some training on a new machine.  After that, I'm off to pick up my son for the day, and for the night.  With the girlfriend and kids gone for the weekend, it'll be the first time in a REALLY long time I'll get to hang out with my son, alone.  No other distractions.  This is something I know he really needs, and I think I need it too.  I think it'll definitely be good for my weary mental health.

Keep Smiling!!

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