Saturday, May 31, 2014


So it's been a few days since I last posted here.  I've been happily busy with work, and a much better home life. 
I keep having Good Day after Good Day at work, and at home.

I can honestly tell you that I don't miss those dark days that used to be my life.  Waking up everyday not knowing what the day will be like.  But, deep inside already knowing it'll be a Bad Day.

Using the very dim light I occasionally found on those dark days, I did plenty of research.  Trying to find ways (without the use of mind altering chemicals), to battle my demons, and win.... Or at least survive to fight them another day.

After a few months of trying everyday to battle my demons, and barely winning, my now ex-girlfriend did the absolute worst thing she could ever do to someone suffering from Depression.  
Needless to say, I went right off the deep end, and there were many days I was closer than I ever thought I would be to ending it all.  I kept my pain quite well hidden from everyone close to me.  However, I did make an appointment with my Family Doctor for a 'Mental Health Check-up'.  Within minutes of seeing me, me not being able to speak a full sentence, and with tears running down my cheeks, my Doctor wrote me a life saving prescription.  

About two and a half weeks later, it was like I became a new man.  Or rather, I was back to being my old, cheerful self. 

It's been about a year and a half since my life turned upside down.  I'm now in an exceptionally happy place.  I like with three people whom I love very much.  I see my son as often as I wish, and have a job I thoroughly enjoy. 

On a side note:  There is a reader who is anonymously commenting on this blog.  Please contact me through my email, and we can talk there.
Keep smiling!

"Never underestimate the pain of a person. Because in all honesty, everyone hurts. Some people just hide it better than others."                  ~ unknown

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