Friday, April 4, 2014

No Complaints

So, it's been a fantastic week!  I have been having nothing but GOOD days!'Work is going great, (now that most of the pain is gone), and I picked up my new car (2014 CR-V) on Tuesday.

So basically, I have had NOTHING to complain about.  I'm continuing to take my prescribed medication daily.  I'm keeping busy, and my work has been quite a workout, so I've also managed to lose about 7-10 lbs over the last couple of weeks, too.

I get to spend most of this weekend with my son.  Him and I are both really looking forward to that.  On the 10th of this month, I get to go and try to rectify some of the damage my psycho douche bag ex-girlfriend of mine caused.  Other than that, life really couldn't get any better!

I'll keep you folks posted as often as I can.  Again, thanks for reading.  I've found that writing a lot of this stuff down, and sharing it, is quite good therapy.  Also, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook, or Twitter, or whichever Social networking site(s) you use.

Thanks again!

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