Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Still Beating The Demons

I know this week is not even half over yet, (it's Tuesday), but I feel fucking fantastic!
I've officially moved in with my girlfriend now.  I can't imagine any other place I'd rather be.  She makes me incredibly happy, and her kids are pretty f'ing cool, too.

Work is wonderful too.  I work with some pretty unique individuals.  Every day is certainly something new, and fun.

I still continue to take my medication (Cipralex) daily.  I'm not certain if I still require it, but I'm still not brave enough to go off them.  I don't want to risk going back to the dark places I was before.  That's a Hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. 

I don't want to fall into the same trap so many others have fallen victim too.  You know which trap I'm talking about.  The: "I feel so good, I don't need my meds anymore."  Then, more often than not, those people would go off their medications, (without consulting their doctor), and would be in even worse shape than they were before. 

I've said many times in the past, that I am opposed to mind altering chemicals such as SSRI's.  However, when I was at my lowest, I would have done anything to rid myself of those feelings.  I won't lie, many times I contemplated taking my own life, just to get away from those thoughts, those feelings.  Those demons that were always lurking around the corner. 
As a result, I made the choice to seek help from my family doctor.  Certainly one of the best decisions I've ever made.
I also know, that you're reading this post, or past posts and are a return reader, because you are suffering from some form of mental illness, or know someone who is.  I implore you to seek help (if you haven't already).  No one will ever judge you.  That idea is just in your mind.  Mental Illness is just as it sounds:  An illness.  There isn't a 'cure' Per Se, but there is treatment.  There's a wide range of different things you could do to help keep your illness in check:  Medication, talk therapy, exercise, etc...  It's up to you.  Everyone is different, and what treatment may work for me, may or may not work for you.  The trick is:  You have to admit you need help, and then find the help you need.

Keep smiling!

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