Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Days From Hell

Well, the last few days have been something close to Hell for me.  I've still been taking my daily dose of Cipralex, but a different kind (melts).  I don't think, as does my girlfriend/wife, think they have the same affect as the normal (non-melting) ones I usually take. 

So, the last few days, I've called off work twice.  I didn't want to get out of bed.  I've been all but useless around the house.  I've attempted to over-compensate by doing things for my wonderful step-children.  Driving them around, going to a midnight release of of a video game my stepson wanted to buy, etc...

The trouble with dealing with mental health issues, more specifically Depression is, you don't want anyone to know.  I highly doubt my step-kids can see anything is wrong.  However, my girlfriend is a different story.  She's a Registered Nurse.  So she knows what to look for, and knows how to interpret the signs. 

When I called into work, to let them know I wasn't going to be coming in, I just made up two, very different stories as to why I won't be in.  After all, why would you want to tell anyone you're suffering from Depression?  Then again, isn't that one of the problems that I've written about in countless other postings?  That Bell Media is devoting themselves to?  To TALK about it? 
I suppose in a way, that's what I'm doing here with my blog.  So, let's talk about it.

I'm *NAME OMITTED*, I suffer from moderate to severe Depression.  I talk about it with my nearest and dearest.  They all know of my 'condition'.  I've been on Cipralex, an SSRI for almost two years now.  I see a therapist on a semi-regular basis.  We talk about all sorts of things, not just about Depression. 
Talking helps.  As do the mind-altering psychotropic drugs I'm on. 
There was a time when something as simple at St. John's Wart worked for me.  Well, enough to take the 'edge' off.  But on October 18th, 2012, something very life changing happened to me, and I went off the deep end.  Hence the psychotropic drugs, and the somewhat intense therapy I was going through.

That's my story.  What's yours?  Feel free to use the 'comment' section below.

Keep smiling!

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