Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Demons Are Back

So, the last few weeks have been pretty shitty for me.  I've said in previous posts that I suffer from Depression, and now Anxiety.
I was feeling a little bit better last night, and this morning.  However, this afternoon, those demons have started to rear their ugly heads again.  Trust me, it sucks.

Even with the doubling of my medication, and with attempts to remain busy, it still seems to find a way into my everyday life, yet again. 
The best way to describe how I'm feeling is darkness.  A constant shadow following me around.  Fighting to keep the demons at bay.  Sometimes I can do it, other times (such as now), they're too strong.  All I can do is weather the storm. 
That's the best I can do for now.  Maybe the new dosage of my Cipralex will make things different.  Who knows?  Right now, the only positives I see in my life, is spending time with my girlfriend/wife, her children, and my son. 

However, this weekend is the local Fall Fair.  Maybe that will bring my spirits up, and thwart off those demons?  I suppose only time will tell. 

To be honest, I didn't really feel like writing anything today, but in the past, it has worked as a kind of therapy for me.  Doesn't seem so this time.

Keep Smiling!

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