Sunday, July 27, 2014

Exciting Changes

The one thing that I don't like about having a full-time job is, that I have very little time for you, my increasing number of readers.  I keep trying to find some extra time to write here, and my other blog, Stekels View, with limited success.

The last several weeks have been quite hectic, and much more exciting than I had ever anticipated.  I'm now a full-time employee, and have received my very first forklift license.

Since getting my forklift license... That's the ONLY thing I've done.  eight hours a day on the lift truck.  It's not nearly as exciting as I'd hoped, but, it also seems that my work has some sort of plan for me.  In just a week or so, I will be moved to another plant, ahead of all my co-workers. 

Everyone that I work with will eventually, (by Christmas) will be moving to this other plant with me.  I just don't know why I've been chosen way ahead of my peers, who have all been working there much longer than me?  I suppose I'll soon find out.

Yesterday (Saturday July 26th), I was invited to have an outing with my co-workers.  This is something a few of us do in a semi regular basis.  We went to a water park in Hamilton (about a 2 1/2 hour drive), for a day of fun, sun, and lots of water.
The family and I arrived, and shortly afterwards, were quickly caught up with a few of my co-workers.  It was great to see them outside of work, as I was actually feeling accepted by my new friends. 

However, for some unknown reason to myself, I didn't really hang out with them for the rest of the day.  Maybe I was just in an anti-social mood, or was hoping that they would come and join myself and my family.  Needless to say, I didn't really see them much afterwards.  As I spent the entire day with my family.  I'm not complaining, just that I don't often get to do fun things with my new family, and my fantastic son. 

I'm certainly going to have to apologize to my friends tomorrow morning at work.  I just hope they aren't too upset with me. 

Either way I look at things now, everything balances out.  I'm really afraid I may have pissed off my new friends, but the up-side is: I'm really moving up at work.  Almost at breakneck speed.  I'll do my best to keep you all up to date. 

Just remember, to all my readers who are suffering from a form of mental illness (just as I am), everything gets better.  It can not, and will not get any worse for you.  You simply have to tough it out, and get some help.  I know how you feel - Nothing is more humiliating than asking for help, for an illness that no one else can see or feel.  But it helps. 

Keep smiling!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Back In The Saddle

Life just seems to be getting better and better for me.  I'm back to work now, after a week off for the summer shutdown.  Despite missing my family (I kind of got used to being around them all week), I'm enjoying being back, and making money. 

My little boy is off to sleep-away camp for this week, and I know his mom misses him terribly, and I miss talking to him on the phone.  But you know what?  He's having a great time there! 
He went to that camp for the first time last summer, and he absolutely loved it.  I'm sure he'll have just as much, if not more fun this time around.  He's eight years old, after all.  What ISN'T fun about camping, at that age?

I also had a few minor hiccups this past week or so, with someone whom I thought I could trust.  Turns out that yet again, I made a mistake.  That isn't as much as a shock as it might have been a while ago,  It
turns out, I'm not as infallible as I thought I was.  But you know what?  Fuck it.  Life's too short to worry about other people actions.  I'm in this for ME, and my nearest and dearest friends and family.  No one else. There are currently just four people (excluding blood relatives) that mean the world to me.  I know at least two of them regularly read this blog, so there is no need to name them. 

Now back to my original point:  Life for me has been nearly perfect these last few months.  I am keeping myself busy, and spending as much of my time as I can with my son, and my new family. 

When suffering from Depression, it's important to keep yourself going.  Be active.  Be busy.  Don't dwell in those dark places.  Try to stay positive.  The more you talk about your illness, the more you will mock it, and those shadows will become brighter.  Eventually you'll be living in your own light.  Without the darkness and sorrow that this particular form of mental illness brings with it. 
If need be, speak to your doctor.  Believe me when I say this - Most doctors know a LOT more about mental illnesses than you do.  And, if they don't, they'll be more than happy to refer you to someone who does.  There is always more than ONE way out of a room.  Keep that in mind.

Keep smiling!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Here's a bit of a teaser for you.  Believe it or not, I spent most of today in front of my laptop, and this is all I could string together.  It's harder than I thought, and clearly, not as painless as I had anticipated.
Please keep in mind, that this is a FICTIONAL work. 
When everything is said and done, I'll have the link for you to read/purchase the finished product.

The prologue:

September 9th, 2009 was said to be the happiest day of his life. Tom Dawson and Ashley D'Ambrosio were newlyweds. Everything in their lives were now perfect. Everything was complete. They were both ready and clearly willing to spend the rest of their lives together.
However, less that two short years later, on June 28th, 2011, Tom's life would change. Ashley had decided to leave him, for a long lost ex-boyfriend. The following days weren't pretty. Not really knowing where Ashley had gone, or why she chose to leave so shortly after moving perplexed him.

Falling on the old fail-safe of his past life, he found that void temporarily in the arms of woman after woman, after woman.
But, that's not what this story is about. It's about one particular woman. A woman who saw Tom's vulnerability and kindness, then took careful aim, and took full advantage of it, then threw him under the bus.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Canada Day, April Wine, & Running The Ridge

So, my week with my son has come to a close (hence why I haven't been posting for a while). 
I don't get to spend as much time with my boy, as I'd like.  So, we took full advantage of our time together.  To start, on Canada Day, we went to his very first rock concert (April Wine),
and enjoyed a great fireworks display at Blue Mountain.  As it turns out, my son really enjoyed the show, despite him choosing for us to sit about fifteen feet away from ten foot high speakers.  At the end of the show, we were both nearly deaf, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the spectacular fireworks display at the top of the resort.

It turns out my son absolutely loves everything about Blue Mountain.  As a result, we spent several days out there this last week.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my eight year old have a good time.  My son, and my step-children seemed to go crazy for the Ridge Runner.  One ride, turned into five.

Ridge Runner
 Yes, I had a fantastic week with my boy, and the two members of my new family.  There were many moments throughout the week, I felt I didn't need to take my medication.  However, I'm still not brave enough to try that. 
On Monday, I'm back to work.  I thoroughly enjoyed my weeks vacation.  I spent as much of my free time as I could being busy.  With my son, my step-kids, and my fantastic girlfriend/wife. 

I did a little cruising through one of my old social media accounts, I see that my psycho ex-girlfriend is still stalking me online.  I have yet to figure out why that is, but really, in the long run, it doesn't much matter.  It has however, motivated me to finally get around to writing that book I've been toying with for nearly two years now.  The trouble is, I just need to find the extra time to do said writing.  I'll keep you posted though. 

Ridge Runner
I learned many new things this week, also.  Those who you think are trustworthy, and above board, generally aren't.  But those are things you need to learn as you grow older, and a little wiser.  The root of all things that are evil in my life really start with one person.  One action.... Or a collection of actions.  But, I'm getting over that.  I'm moving on.  However, I truly feel sorry for that one, single person.  As they still seem to be dwelling on me.  But, that's their choice, not mine.  Then again, that's what said book will be about. 
I'm off for now.  I'll keep you posted as often as a can.

Keep smiling!