Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dealing WIth The Stigma

The purpose of yesterday's blog had it's intended affect.  I just had a good talk with my new friend, and I quickly realised she's having all the same feelings and fears I had a few years ago.

She understands that a mental illness is just that, an illness.  However, she did voice to me, "I don't want to be sick, though".  That's completely understandable.  No one WANTS to be sick. 

I know all the feelings and emotions she's going through right now.  When you're down, you feel as though you'll never cheer up, and you would give almost anything to make that feeling go away.

When you're happy however, you feel on top of the world!  There's nothing you can't handle.  You feel like  your depression/anxiety is miles away.  But, you also know that tomorrow could be quite different.  Or even a few minutes from now.  You're never really sure.  That's the problem.  You KNOW that sooner or later, this euphoric feeling will go away, and you fear it may never come back. 

When those dark days started to outnumber the bright days, I knew I needed to seek help.  I had had several people in my life who suffered from various mental illnesses, so I knew what was happening to me.  As with my friend, she has people around her who love her, and can see what's happening. 
We're doing the best we can to help her, and there are already positive signs. 

Now I think we'll be moving at the speed of the Canadian Health Care System....  Which, despite being one of the best in the world, still has it's failings when it comes to Mental Health.  However, with the support and love from her family and friends, this can be handled. 
Like me, it won't be an easy battle, but it can, and will be won. 

What I think she doesn't understand, is that despite all the stigma surrounding mental health issues, there are still plenty of high functioning and very successful people out there, that all suffer from various forms of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and the like.

The person that really opened my eyes to the issues facing mental health sufferers, was Michael Landsberg and his essay on his close and dear friend, Wade Belak.

Michael Landsberg, Clara Hughs, Daryl Strawberry, and a host of other very successful athletes all suffer from Depression.  You really wouldn't know it, would you? 
Most people who suffer, suffer in silence.  They don't want to tell the world that they have something wrong with their head. 
Often, whether you want to believe it or not, the most depressed person, is the happiest person.  The last one you would ever suspect.  They're over-compensating for their lack of happiness.  Most 'normal' people don't see it that way.  They just see a happy person.  The life of the party.  The next thing you know, they're gone. 

Hindsight is always 20/20.  Why not look into the present?  Into the future?  Help the people we can NOW.  That's by-and-large why I write this blog.  To help my friends.  To help my family.  To help complete strangers that feel like they don't have anywhere to turn.
Go to your doctor.  Don't be embarrassed or ashamed.  Talk to someone.  That's how the healing starts. 

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