Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Happy Places & Keeping Busy

So, the last few days haven't been as trying as I would have suspected.  I'm continuing to take my prescribed medication daily, and keeping a positive look on things.

I'm in quite a happy place in my life right now.  I have an understanding girlfriend, with great kids.  Not to mention my own fantastic little bundle of joy (he's eight now), whom I get to see and talk with whenever I wish.

I've even started going to a lot of minor hockey games.  My girlfriends' son plays for a local team.  Who knew that could be so much fun??!  Needless to say, I'm keeping a smile on my face.  It's starting to look like those sad, dark days are finally behind me.  I think my demons have left me.
I will however, keep posting here as often as I can.  After all, writing for me is a great form of therapy, and I don't want to take that away... Just yet... or ever.

I've learned how to deal with my ups ans downs.  When I feel a dark dawn dawning, I will often drift away to a happy place.  I'll keep myself busy with any number of tasks.  There are always ways to keep your mind occupied. 

Off to keep busy now.... 

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