Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Many More Peaks Than Valley's

So, all in all, I'm having a pretty good day.  I've accomplished a few small tasks I've set for myself, and am now relaxing.

I have a pretty big day going on tomorrow.  I'm going to check out a job, and, am also in the process of trying to find a vehicle to buy.  For most people, that's a pretty stressful time.  Not so for me.  I suppose I'm lucky, 'eh?

The last few days (primarily the weekend), were pretty shitty for me.  It reminded me of the days, several years ago, that nearly put me over the edge.

Let me take you back - My wife had just left me.  A new 'opportunistic' woman had come into my life.  After just three dates, she decided to move herself, and her two children into my apartment.   That seemed like a pretty good idea.... For about a week.  That's when the Depression started to manifest itself.  I was in a funk I just couldn't get out of.

Then, to make things even worse for me, over our thirteen month relationship, she couldn't have been less supportive of my mental struggles.  The ONLY thing she worried about was money, and how to get more and more of it.  Regardless, she didn't help my struggles at all.

Now I'm back on track.  I have a fantastic girlfriend who accepts me, with all my faults, and seems to love me quite a bit.
To be honest, I'm incredibly happy with where I am in life.  And, I can only see things getting better from here on in.

Needless to say, I'm in a VERY good place in my life right now.  I'm happy.  I feel accepted, and don't want any of this to change.  However, I am well aware that all good things must come to an end.  My happy feelings don't always last.  I'm just not looking forward to going back to those dark places.  Those p[laces where you feel as though you'll never be cheerful again.  Those places where it doesn't matter how many friends, or loved ones you have; They just don't understand.  Nobody understands.

But, today is a good day.  I won't dwell on those dark days.


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