Monday, March 10, 2014

Double Dose & Not Thinking Straight

I was afraid it couldn't last... And guess what?  It didn't.  I understand that good moods come and go.  But, with people suffering from depression, those moods are more like peaks and valleys.

On the weekend, I unintentionally double-dosed myself.  You see, I'd forgotten whether I'd already taken my SSRI, or not.  So, to err on the side of caution, I took a pill.  I still can't recall if I took the first dose or not, but I assure you, I must have.  The rest of the day, I was high as a kite, acting all weird, and well, just generally fucked up. 

So, then next morning, (again without really thinking), I took my normal dosage.  Probably not the wisest of ideas. I likely should have just not taken anything that day.  So now, for two straight days, I was clearly impaired.  Again, not a really great feeling, and I spent those two days not feeling comfortable, period.

So, on the third day (the last day of the weekend), I spent most of, in misery.  I didn't want to get out of bed.  I just lazed around, watching TV and sleeping.  Kind of like what I did before I was officially diagnosed.  It also didn't help that a very dear friend of mine was quite upset at me, because of (at least in part) some of my actions. 

That being said, my day was 'saved' by my girlfriend.  She saw (or simply figured out) that I was in a funk.  She came to my rescue.  The simple and small gestures from her, changed my day completely around.  She had absolutely no idea how far down I was.  I will say, I wasn't completely honest with her, in that respect.  I was much further 'gone' than I let on.

However, if you're like me, (and unfortunately, there are far too many of us), just a simple, small token of appreciation can change someones day, or life around.  A simple, "You mean a lot to me", or "I really appreciate you", means much more than just those few words.  It means that someone does give a shit about you.  That someone will miss you when your gone. 

That's just some food for thought, people.

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