Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It Gets Better....

Just about three years ago, I started feeling like I was in a funk.  Kind of like 'post-op depression', but a hundred times worse.  Like all people (or mainly guys), I thought it would pass in a few days.  Then it progressively got worse. 

There were days I didn't leave the house, and days I didn't even get out of bed.  On those few days I did venture free, from the safety and security of my home, I didn't go far, and it wasn't for too long.

A few months later, I lost a pretty good friend to Depression.  It was at that point I finally booked an appointment with my family doctor, for what I called a "Mental Health check-up". 
My doctor gave me a few tests and questionnaires to fill out....  All of which I failed miserably.  Needless to say, I wasn't overly surprised.  What did surprise me however, was the speed (or lack thereof), of the Canadian Mental Health System. 
Of course my doctor referred me to a shrink.  However, I didn't even get a phone call to set up an appointment for nearly FOUR months.

What I will say right now about Depression is this:  Regardless of how you may feel today, and tomorrow may not be any better... It DOES eventually get better, and go away. Don't let your demons control you.  Roll with the punches, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

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